Reminiscing The Past

Library is like an old dying relative. A relative who you are fond of but haven’t visited in a long time. A relative who has such fond memories and recollections of you growing up. A relative whose death won’t affect you that much.

Libraries have been such an important part of my life while growing up. It started during school. My school used to have a special period for library where we were required to exchange books. Though quite small, it was instrumental in shaping my reading. I used to borrow all kinds of books right from Grimm’s fairy tales to Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys.


Library of St. Joseph’s School, Orlem, Malad – W

My father is a member of the Rotary Club of Mumbai, Kandivali – West, and they started a library in Kandivali (W) close to the station, back in early 2000s. Since school library was a little restricted, my friends and I became members of this library. I must be in 6th or 7th standard, when I started reading Tintin comics, Secret Seven, Harry Potter and so on.

It was so easy back then to just hop on to my cycle and exchange the book I had just finished reading. I distinctly remember, the librarian scolding us for borrowing the same books again and again. Unfortunately, after a few years the library had to shut down as they didn’t have a lot of members. My sister and I purchased a lot of books from there – especially Tintin & Harry Potter when it went on sale.

Below are the pictures of the library cards and how often we kept borrowing these books.


Library card of Rotary Club of Kandivali West


Library card

Soon after that we grew up, and new form of librarians came into being the “bookwallahs”. These guys were the best, we had to pay a deposit of Rs. 100 and they charged Rs. 20 as a reading charge for any book. I used to depend on these guys a lot during college. It was then when I expanded my reading to Sidney Sheldon, Daniel Steel, Nora Roberts, Jackie Collins, Twilight and so on. This was the time when book piracy was very high. Little did I know, that these bookwallahs were selling pirated books. I was pretty much content with this deal. Being a student, buying these books was out of question.

During my graduation and post-graduation, I started reading literary books which were more or less difficult to find in libraries. Nobody had heard of Ahdaf Soueiff or Naquib Mahfouz. Even the Mumbai University library had limited options in Literature. This was the time when I started buying books. In a way, started building my own collection.

Libraries were already fading out of the picture. There are no libraries in my vicinity. It is astonishing and sad because people born in this generation will never experience the things we did.

Do you have any fond memories of visiting your local library? Please feel free to share those with me.

Happy Reading!

In An Alternate Universe

Have you ever wondered,

What would happen

If it suddenly thundered,

And we were in an alternate universe?

Ever thought what would it be like if we were ruled by books? Let me paint a utopian picture for you guys, if something like this were to ever happen!
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If books ruled the world, there will  be an end to the political and economical drama across the globe. We will have a rosy world with all books living in harmony just like in our libraries. Everything will revolve around reading. We can expect reading cafes, reading stages (theatres where stories will be creatively narrated), state level read-a-thon challenges (bid adieu to marathons!) and so on. Payment for coffee will be made by exchanging books. There will be zero illiteracy in the world, everyone will be well read and knowledgeable. We will no longer have fights between countries, and only fights that will be allowed are bookish!

Ah! How optimistic and cheerful the world will be.

Things would certainly change for the better. Writers will finally get their due, and respected for what they are. #Newsalert will be replaced by #bookalert. Libraries will rise from ashes and occupy every corner of the lane. Signboards will have appropriate quotes, indeed guiding everyone in the right direction. Televisions will be like an alien thing that does not exist. Protests would be in the form of #Hugatree.

When cozying up in your blanket and reading a book/mourning the death of a character is a valid excuse for skipping work. On opening Facebook, we will be asked – “What are you reading?” rather than “What are you doing?”, Twitter will be the place to discuss books whereas Instagram will be renamed to Bookstagram. And youngsters will be busy snaping a story on Snapchat.

We will have different bars depending on the the genre with drinks like a shot of Fitzgerald, and going Wilde over Bronte sisters. Pickup lines would just get more sassier with Shakespeare on everyone’s tongue. Songs will be remembered with reference to books.  And so on, we will all happily continue to live in a bubble.

The world would certainly be a better place to live in if ever we crossed the line and were in an alternate universe. 

Let us day dream for a minute longer on this, meanwhile you can tell me how would your world look like if it was ruled by books. 

Happy Reading!